Sunday, November 2, 2008

Never Say Never

I never thought I'd ever participate in the world of blogging (and quite honestly, who's to say that I'll manage to contribute more than a dozen entries). As a matter of's a perfect example of my original thoughts on the world of blogging... - Check is out. It's SERIOUSLY funny...

But I've since become completely addicted to several blogs (three, more to come on these later) and I've discovered that blogs don't have to be written for anyone but me. Blogs can be a great opportunity to create a journal of sorts. A way to chronicle my life, even if (most likely) the only person who ever reads it is me. A place to share memories, thoughts, ideas, hopes, wishes and dreams...with myself. One of my favorite blog authors ( has this quote on her blog:

"We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospection."

- Anais Nin

So here I will try to write my journal...and more than my share of random thoughts and ramblings, I'm sure. And in the writing, I shall taste life twice...or at least, what I have that passes for a life...for now.

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