Friday, April 10, 2009

Quarterly Update

So...let's talk New Year's Resolutions. I make them every year. I think about them for months in advance, ponder them, rate them and this year, even wrote them down.

And then, on like January 3rd, I'm like...

"What's a New Year's resolution? That's a novel concept...I should make one of those NEXT year."

And thats the end of that.

This year, I decided that I'd try to review them regularly - you know, just to see how things are going.

So - How did I do the first quarter of the year?

1. Lose Weight - And this one is in progress. So far, since my birthday...14 pounds. Not too bad, considering I didn't even give it a half-a$$ effort until like 4 weeks ago. So YEA for pounds lost.'s still only a half-a$$ effort - MUCH room for improvement.

2. Expand my mind by reading five books I should have read in high school - Still on my list, but not complete yet. Actually...not really even started yet. Oops. Just like high school - it's all about procrastination. :)

3. Expand my mind with American History - Yeah...ummm...see point number 2 above. Status here is pretty much the same.

4. Read the Old Testament - Well, I started. And of all the resolutions I've failed so far with this year, this one was the heaviest on me. But it's not too late - I can still save this one. Check back on the second quarter update and see if there's been any progress here.

5. Take pictures - Well, considering that I didn't actually make this very specific and my only comparison to "more" was "more than the two dozen pictures" from the last five years, I have to call this a success. Even if, like, a hundred of the "more" pictures were of my dog. Hey, it's not my fault he's so dang cute!

6. Finances, Pay off some debt - Well...I would have said I was making progress on this one until I drove my car into the back of someone elses...Dag-nabbit.

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