Not that this is too big of a surprise - I've always been a John McCain fan. Besides the fact that he heroically served his country in a time of war (not a requirement for President, but it sho
My intent with my blog was to create a journal of sorts, not necessarily to use it as a tool to climb onto of my political soapbox. But there a better time to express my thoughts on political issues? So pardon me as I go off on my political rant...
In the big picture of things, I am a Republican. I believe in small federal government and more power to local and state government. I believe that the founding fathers were creating a union among independent states for common things like trade and national security. I believe that my local government should have more power over the laws that dictate how I live in Colorado...not Washington D.C.
I believe in free market. The flaw in this plan is responsible individuals - Just because a bank will give you a loan for a $350,000 home on a $40,000 a year income does not mean you should sign the papers. RESPONSIBILITY...look it up and quit waiting for the government to save you.
I believe in trickle down economies and free enterprises. I believe that prosperous businesses will invest in research, development and new jobs...all leading to a stronger economy. However, I believe that this works both ways. If you make it more expensive for businesses to operate in this country, they will do things to save their profit margin, and these include closing plants, relocating to other countries and laying off Americans.
I believe that the biggest threat to the separation of Church and State is NOT a nativity on a government lawn, or even school prayer, but any ban on gay marriage. I believe that marriage in the eyes of the law is a legally binding contract between two consenting adults and that to ban gay marriage is to discriminate against consenting adults. I believe that you can not come up with a valid argument against gay marriage without falling back on religion.
I believe that you can not set a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq without putting this country at tremendous risk. I don't care if you voted for the war or not...Hindsight does little in our current times. The more important issue is what do you intend to do now, and to leave Iraq in utter chaos will only breed terrorists. And quit calling it a civil war...this civil war has global consequences.
I believe that we live in a global community and that the United States is behind the 8 ball here. I believe that the demand for most products is shifting away, so that the largest consumer population now resides in other nations, such as China. I believe that eliminating tax breaks and incentives in the US will only drive businesses out of the country and make it more cost-effective for them to operate where the demand is. I believe that our litigation system has more than a little to do with the high cost of doing business in the US.
I believe that Congress is about the funniest joke God has ever played on the world. While most politicians get into the game for just causes, I believe that Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. And if you want in on the joke...just think about it - the housing market starts to crumble, the education system is a mess, social security is failing and Congress is investigating the use of steroids with professional baseball players. Priorities, anyone?
And finally, I'm glad that this election is finally over. Seriously...two years is too long. Months upon months of political ads and I can actually feel my IQ falling. You know what I want? I want a politician who will run a campaign by telling me WHY I should vote for them and not, as with this last round, tell me WHY NOT to vote for the other guy.
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