Last night I attended a Bible study for the first time, and during the course of conversation, we started talking about the necessity of fellowship in times of sorrow, hardship and heartache and I brought up the thought that it's not just during the hardtimes. We need fellowship all the time.
And that's one of the reasons I love my best friend Becky.
In college one weekend, all my friends desserted me to hang out with their families (for shame!) and I spent the weekend...alone. I think I may have wandered across the street to the food court at least once, but other than that, it was just me. Alone.
And alone meant I had way too long to explore that part of my mind left best unexplored. The part that screams - Look what you don't have!!! Look what you aren't!!! Think weaknesses!! Think unrequinted love!!! Think failures and shortcomings!!!
Like I said, a corner of my mind left best unexplored.
Sunday evening, everyone started to return, and Becky called up to my room to see what I was doing. I have music for my moods - and on this particular weekend, I had ventured right into my pissed-off women collection. Paula Cole, Tori Amos, Indigo Girls...and by the time Becky called, I was deep into Sinead O'Conner - You don't get any more pissed off than that.
"So..." Becky inquired. "What's up?"
"Do you know that if you rearrange some of the letters of my first and last name, you get 'Pathetic'?" I said.
Without a pause, Becky responded, "Yeah, well, if you rearrange some of the letters of my first and last name you get 'Bitch'."
And that was it - I was out of the dark corners of my mind and back into the light.
And for like a year, every time I used the word "pathetic" in ANY context, Becky would respond... "Bitch."
And that's one of the reasons I love Becky.
P.S. - I am aware that I only have 1 "t" in my first and last name and can't actually spell pathetic with just 1 "t." But you get the point...
5 days ago
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