Well, not really. Kinda...
Everything is on the internet. EVERYTHING. News. Weather. Shopping. Games. Email.
People I want to stay in touch with. People I wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole.
Music. Movie trailers. Movie times. Movie reviews. Movies.
Television shows I missed. Television shows I saw but feel the need to watch online anyways.
Too much information about celebrities, too much information about me.
Have you ever Googled yourself? Scary.
Also, I'm convinced that there is no such thing as a rhetorical question when you have access to Google.
But the fact of the matter is, with all there is out there, with all the places I could explore, I end up at the same places every night. Someplace for my news, someplace for my games. Another place for my email. And a place to debunk all those urban legends I receive through email - you know, the ones that are imperative that I forward on immediately to 19 of my closest friends.
And, of course, my daily round of blogs.
Really...very tame. Very safe.
And then, I found (or actually, was introduced to) StumbleUpon.com.
It's this awesome toolbar on your computer. Click it, and it takes you to a random page. You can set preferences. Like, I like history, or entertainment, or news, or weird things. Or, maybe even underwater basket weaving.
You can rate pages. Thumbs up. Thumbs down.
And when you find a page that StumbleUpon hasn't already seen, you can add it to the vast universe of this random-page generating website.
Though, seriously? Can you honestly tell me that I'm the first person with a StumbleUpon toolbar to find 1800PetMeds.com? Cause, seriously, if that's the case? They need to rethink their advertising budget.
Anyway, I've found a ton of really cool websites - way more than I would have on my own. And instead of playing it safe in my little corner of the world, I explore so much more. And tonight, in my exploration...I discovered the end of the internet.
Oops...Time to turn back.
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