Now, my experience in the past with college Improv groups is that after like 20 minutes, all the jokes become about sex and drugs; about having sex, not having sex - taking drugs, not taking drugs. And I believe that these are possibly the easiest jokes ever. Anyone can make a joke about sex - we do it all the time without meaning to. Where's the challenge in that?
So, given my prior experience, I was hesitant about going to the show. But it was Friday night, and ultimately, if I didn't go to the show, I'd've probably ended up laying on the couch, thinking about how I should be cleaning the house. And somehow, that didn't sound exciting. So I decided to take a chance on Left Right Tim.
The format of the show is great. Two teams "compete" for audience votes to determine the winner of the Improv-off. Four members (all in white shirts) made up the team representing Left Right Tim while four other members (all in black shirts and cliche evil villan mustaches) made up rival club Up Down Jeff.
My favorite game of the evening was called "Playground." Two cast members, one from each "team," were sent off-stage while the audience came up with the perfect playground taunt using an adjective, a noun and a verb. The team members were invited back into the room, and they faced off, as fifth graders on the playground, to see who could come up with the audience-picked perfect taunt. To help them out, two members of their team stood behind the "tauntee" while the "taunter" tried to figure out the clues team members were giving in Charade-like fashion.
The first word...Crusty.
The first few guesses - Dough, Pizza, Pie and finally...Crusty. Point to Up Down Jeff.
The second word...Hulagin.
Guesses - Hula hoop, hula-can, hula-cancer, hula-drink, hula-skirt. And finally...Hulagin (technically hula-gun, but the "taunter" quickly figured it out from the clues). Point to Left Right Tim.
And finally...Lactating.
Only two guesses here. Milking...then lactating. Left Right Tim - Game, set, match.
It was a fun evening. Relatively clean, given the shouts of the audience members (of course, made up of college students. And if I can digress for a moment...when did they start admitting 7th graders? It's possible that college kids are getting younger, or it's possible that I have, in fact, been out of college for 10 years...TEN YEARS. Ugh.)
Anyway...hats off to Left Right Tim. A very talented group of people who managed to avoid the easy jokes.
Plus...I had a great title for my blog post. Admit it...you were curious when you read the title.