Dear CJane and Nienie,
I feel compelled to write this letter. It's been a long journey, and through choice or fate, you've graciously let the world into this tragedy turned hope turned triumph. You've both touch lives in ways you can't image. You've inspired, enlightened, and honored each other and your families. You've become a testament to the goodness of people, women and sisters. In return, the world has laughed with you, cried with you and prayed for you.
Some things you should know...
1 - These blog entries will be precious to you. These entries will serve you well in the future as a journal, a snapshot of a moment in time. As a remembrance, for those things you don't want to forget and for those things that you can't forget no matter how much you try. You may not want to remember some of the moments that were immortalized in words in newspapers and blogs, but you can reread these words in the future and realize that you have the power over them - that at one time, they were heart-wrenching and pain-filled moments and that now, they are just words on paper (or screen...whatever). You pushed through, you persevered. And even at your weakest moments now, you are stronger than when these words were born on paper.
2 - You don't owe your reading audience anything. We will forever be grateful to you for inviting us to join you on this journey. We are forever changed because you allowed us to attempt to lessen your burdens, through gifts, donations, virtual support and prayer. We gave of our hearts - we volunteered to step up and support you in whatever means we could, but in the end, please remember - WE volunteered to help. You didn't ask, you didn't plea or beg - you invited us. And at any moment, you can choose to enter back into the world of anonymity. We will forever be grateful for these moments you shared with us, and we will forever be thankful that you have now have the choice to continue your dialogues with us, or not.
3 - Take those moments to feel sorry for yourself. Take those moments to ask, "Why me?" Take time to cry, to throw a temper tantrum, to drowned yourself in pity. Because if you take those moments, you allow yourself to have those hours when you say, "Thank God not them." To laugh, to smile and endure someone else's temper tantrum, to drowned yourself and those around you in your presence and love. To heal, to discover, to explore and appreciate it all. You'll enjoy the bigger moments in live, because you allowed those smaller moments.
6 days ago
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