I had great plans to sleep in this morning. Sleep in all the way to 8 o'clock before jumping out of bed and, for once, not jumping around like crazy trying to make it out the door in time for church (see, I get up in plenty of time, but then I make the mistake of turning on the TV, or picking up a book...usually, it's a book).
But I digress. So, I had great plans to sleep in the morning, but Dallas had other ideas. Dallas has this need to go out at 6:15 EVERY morning. It doesn't matter if he last went out at 9 o'clock or midnight. He HAS to get go out at 6:15 (I haven't tested the theory of whether or not he HAS to go or he just WANTS to go out - that can be a messing theory to test).
So, of course, this morning, at 6:15, Dallas had to go out - so I let him out. And afterwards, I had great visions of falling back asleep (ha ha). After I let him out, I laid back down in bed, and Dallas decided he didn't want to curl up and go back to sleep. But since I wouldn't pick up the ball and play, he opted to lay at the end of the bed and chew on the bone. Not my favorite noise to fall back asleep to, but certainly better than other activies (say, rolling around his rattle ball or licking...things).
So, Dallas was laying at the end of my bed, chewing on his bone and I was in that stage between "sleep" and "awake" when I heard the bone fall off the bed. And I can only imagine (as my eyes are closed at this point) that Dallas leaned over and looked down at his bone. He can be a lazy dog so it's entirely possible he was waiting for me to pick it up.
Then I heard him growl, then bark - a kind of a deep, back in the throat bark. I call it his inside voice, as it's not very loud. He barked a couple more times, and by that time I was curious, so I rolled over, opened my eyes and looked down at the foot of the bed to see...
Dallas...barking at the strange dog in the reflective glass. You know, that strange dog that looks remarkable like Dallas.
Now, it's not like I put that mirror up before I went to bed, and it's not like it's the first time Dallas has ever seen himself in the mirror, but for whatever reason, on this morning, he was not willing to share his space with that strange dog in the reflective glass.
After a couple more barks, Dallas hopped down to study himself in the mirror. He stood on his back paws, front paws on the mirror, turning his head side to side. And AMAZINGLY, so was that strange dog in the reflective glass.
This went on for a few seconds, then he put his front paws down and licked the mirror. Apparently, he'd made friends with himself.
And I was still late leaving the house for church...